Astro_22 Astrology Copyright D.K. Wilkinson 1992/93 AVAILABLE MODULES ------------------- The following modules are currently available for use with your Astro_22 program: ********************************************************************* * PROGRESSED MODULE * ********************************************************************* Note: This module uses the 'Resident Chart' for progression. Select the 'Make Current Resident' flag to install the subject for analysis. Daily Progressed Angles ------------------------- This flag when active shows the real time positions of the Ascendant, Midheaven and Cusps relative to the progressed system chosen. For example, in the Secondary system of progression the Ascendant shows an approximate movement of one degree per year. However, hidden within this movement is the fact that the Ascendant and Angles make a complete three hundred and sixty degree circuit of the Zodiac. The time when these points reach the position of natal planets by conjunction is regarded as the most important period for analysis. In this system the daily movement of the Ascendant and MC can be used as a valuable aid in chart rectification work. Real Time Progression Option. ------------------------------ While this flag is set 'ON' the progressed date is taken from the current date and time as set with the 'Date and Time' menu options. The program will progress the resident chart to this date and time. If this flag is not set, a prompt will ask for the progressed date to be entered. Converse Progression Option ---------------------------- When set, this option calculates progressions backward in time to the set progression date. Having set any flag options required, the type of progression can be selected from the menu. You are able to progress a chart through any option without resetting parts of the program. For example, you may calculate a tertiary chart, then immediately afterwards calculate a progressed chart. If the Aspect module is present a check of aspect patterns of the current progressed chart and current progressed chart to the resident chart may be calculated. Secondary Progression --------------------- Regarded are the most reliable system of of Predictive Astrology. The progressed planets are calculated to the Sun's forward motion based on each day after birth representing a year of life. For example a person born 1/1/1960: At age ten the position of the Sun on 11/1/1960 is the progressed date for the analysis. This is a Solar based system and represents the unfolding of the subject's personality. The times when the Progressed Sun is aspecting a Natal Planet are regarded as important and critical periods of life. The Moon in this system of progression is of secondary importance to Sun but by aspect shows when important changes may be expected. Day-For-A-Year ----------------- With this system all the planets are move forward in time exactly one degree for each year of life. In the above example the position of Mars may be at 10 Degrees of Cancer. At age 10 this planet will be progressed to 20 Degrees of Cancer. This system is regarded highly for showing the time of life when events representing the influence of aspecting planets are more clearly defined. Solar Arc progression ---------------------- This is a modification of the above system in that the movement of all the planets forward in time are to the Sun's actual movement over the period in question. If the Sun has progressed 9 Degrees all the planets are moved on 9 Degrees. Tertiary Progression ---------------------- A relatively modern system based on the Tertiary movement of the Moon which is a little over 27 days. This is a very powerful system of chart progression which compliments the Solar methods and may be regarded as it's Lunar counterpart. Events are clearly defined and usually quite accurate in time. This can be verified by noting in particular Tertiary progressed New Moons which usually mark a change of life circumstances. Monthly Progression --------------------- This method of progressing a chart is based on the 'Division of the Year by Twelve'- Not widely used but deserves study. Weekly Progression -------------------- An interesting complement of the above system based on the 'Division of Seven' - Seven days of life representing one day by progression. Daily Progression-Transits --------------------------- Planets are calculated and displayed in the progressed Daily chart. The starting point for the Ascendant, Midheaven and points is the natal birth day. See also the notes on transits in the Prediction Module. ********************************************************************** * HARMONIC AND COMPOSITE CHARTS * ********************************************************************** HARMONIC CHARTS ------------------ This method of extending the Natal Chart is comparatively new to the West. Proposed by John Addey around 1975. It is derived from Hindu astrology and it is based on sound Pythagorean principles of numeric vibration. The Planets and points are multiplied by a specific number then rectified to 360 degrees. In a 9th harmonic chart for instance the position of the planets, Ascendant and MC in the natal chart are multiplied by 9, in a fifth harmonic by 5. The time of birth must be accurate because an error of only 1 degree in the Natal Chart is magnified to 13 degrees in the 13th harmonic. In practice the the numbers 2 through to 13 are those normally used by Astrologers as a sophisticated extension to character analysis. However, harmonic charts can be of valuable assistance for predictive work. Using the harmonic method the Birth chart can be extended to any given number and the resultant chart is one's personal resonance to that numerical vibration. If you are 30 years old you may be interested to see how your chart applies to this number or 10957 the number of days. It is a fascinating exercise using Astro_22 to obtain an immediate visual resonance to any imputed number. A preponderance of red (stressful) aspect lines denoting squares and oppositions is not a good response however, a preponderance of green aspect showing trines and sextile lines (harmonious) is fortuitous. Conjunctions should be assessed individually. Harmonics and Astro_22 is the obvious combination to use as a short- cut method of finding One's lucky numbers. Bookmakers beware! COMPOSITE CHARTS ---------------- Composite charts are used to find the blend of two individuals and are calculated in a similar manner as Midpoints e.g. The first persons Sun position is added to the second persons Sun position, divided by two and corrected to 360 degrees in the shortest arch. The resultant position represents the personality of the two individual as one unit. The same calculation is applied to all the other planets MC and ascendant. The chart produced may be analysed is a similar manner as any other birth chart. One other way of using composite charts is to compare transits at any given time to your your own chart by composite. The levels of stress or harmony of the moment are highligted by aspect similar to the example given above in the Harmonic notes. If you need to know if 3.30 PM Thursday is a good time to ask your employer for a salary increase then do a composite for that moment in time. If the aspects of Jupiter, Venus, Sun and Saturn are favourable and the overall chart is in the green - go for it! ********************************************************************* * MIDPOINTS MODULE * ********************************************************************* This module allows the user to calculate and display the midpoints of the current chart and compare transits and progressions to natal midpoints. Calculate Midpoints -------------------- Midpoints of the current chart are calculated and displayed on screen. Midpoint Inter-Aspects ---------------------- Calculates planetary aspects within one degree of orb to Current Chart Midpoints. Transits To Midpoints ---------------------- An impressive addition to the Midpoint Module: Comparison is made between the Current chart and Resident Chart. All aspects within one degree of orb to the Resident Chart's Midpoints are displayed. Any type of chart may be used as 'Current': Transits, progressions or someone else's chart. Data may be sent to the Printer or Disk File. ********************************************************************* * PLANETARY DATA * ********************************************************************* Lists tabulated planetary data including house position, mode, dignity by sign and house, element and quality. Also, a summary showing the number of planets in the elements, mode and quality. Listings can be directed to a printer or disk file. An example is shown below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Astro_22 Calculation for: MARILYN MONROE ---------------------------------------------------------------------- TIME: 09:25 Hrs LMT Tuesday Latitude 34 Deg 0 Min NORTH DATE:01/06/1926 Houses: Placidus Longitude 118 Deg 0 Min WEST ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Planet Position Sign Md Dig Hs Dig Declination Quality Elem ====================================================================== Sun 10'26'45 Gemini + 11 Det 22'01'26 N Mutable Air Moon 19'02'30 Aquarius + 7 18'45'19 S Fixed Air Mercury 06'47'19 Gemini + Rul 10 21'39'43 N Mutable Air Venus 28'45'22 Aries + Det 9 09'00'30 N Cardinal Fire Mars 20'44'31 Pisces - 8 Rul 06'39'40 S Mutable Water Jupiter 26'49'02 Aquarius + 7 14'20'23 S Fixed Air Saturn R 21'26'22 Scorpio - 4 Det 16'48'36 S Fixed Water Uranus 29'00'04 Pisces - 8 Exa 02'04'23 S Mutable Water Neptune 22'13'04 Leo + Exa 1 14'29'28 N Fixed Fire Pluto 13'23'17 Cancer - 12 21'14'32 N Cardinal Water N.Node R 18'16'02 Cancer Ascendant 12'13'37 Leo M.C. 04'58'14 Taurus Fortuna 20'49'22 Aries ===================================================================== Fire 2 Earth 0 Air 4 Water 4 :: Cardinal 2 Fixed 4 Mutable 4 --------------------------------------------------------------------- ********************************************************************* * TABULATED ASPECTS MODULE * ********************************************************************* Aspect Grid ON/OFF ------------------- If this option is set ON all listings of aspects will be shown in grid form. Parallels and Contra-Parallels are also shown. Full aspects are to the following orbs: Major Aspects Printout ------------- --------- Conjunctions and Oppositions 10 Degs. CON, OPP Squares and Trines 8 Degs. SQR, TRI sextiles 5 Degs. SEX Intermediate Aspects --------------------- Semi-sextile and Semi-square 2 Degs. SSE, SSQ Inconjunct and Sesqiqadrat.(135 Deg) 2 Degs. INC, SES Minor Aspects --------------- Vigintile, Decile 2 Degs. VIG, DEC Quintile, Septile 2 Degs. QUI, SEP Tridecile, Biquintile 2 Degs TRD, BIQ Nonagon 2 Degs NON The user is able to custom his own orb values from within the program by selecting 'Setup' from the MISC menu. The option is given to save the custom setting as the default orb value. TABULATED ASPECTS ------------------ 1. Aspects Full Orb: Lists the Major and Minor aspects of the current chart in degrees of orb. 2. Aspects To 1 Deg.: Lists aspects of the current chart that are within one degree of aspect - shown as seconds orb. 3. Aspects Extended: Lists all aspects of the current chart to full orb in an easy to analyse format. 4. Compare Charts Full Orb: Gives a listing of major aspects between the current and resident charts in degrees of orb. 5. Compare To 1 Deg.: As for 4. above except the listing is in minutes of orb including both major and minor aspects that are within one degree of aspect. Note. If only Major Aspects are required in the listings Minor Aspects may be turned off from the 'MISC' menu. Subsequent listings will only calculate the Major Aspects. Further fine tuning of user required aspects may be affected through the 'Active Aspects' selection. Print out --------- If the Printer Option is set 'ON' a listing of aspects is sent to the printer. Disk File ---------- If a Disk File is open a listing of aspects is printed into the open file. ********************************************************************* * GRAPHIC ASPECT WHEELS * ********************************************************************* In all graphic aspect displays, the red lines connecting two planets represent hard or stressful relationship between the planets shown. Green connecting lines show a flowing or harmonious relationship. In mono mode the stressful aspects are shown as broken lines. 1. Aspect Wheel: Displays major aspects of the current chart to full Orb. 2. Aspect wheel Magnified to 1 Degree: Shows all aspects which are within 1 deg. of orb. 3. Extended Wheel Full Orb: Is the same for 1. above but includes aspects to the Ascendant, Midheaven, North Node and Fortuna. 4. Compare Charts Full Orb: All major aspect between the current and resident charts are calculated and displayed. 5. Compare Magnified To 1 Degree: Displays major and minor aspects between the current and resident chart which are within one degree of orb. ********************************************************************* * TOGGLE FACILITY * ********************************************************************* This module is used to update screen displays in preset time increments or decrements and can be used with any screen output or current calculation mode, even progressions - Very useful for rectification work. To activate the module, set the interval required by clicking on the 'Set Increment' menu option. A dialogue box appears on screen and as an example, if screen updates are required to 1 year, 35 Days and 1 Hour enter as: y1^ d35^ h1^ e^. Activate your work screen then use the menu or keyboard hot keys for screen updates. The program redisplays the current work screen updated by the time increment or decrement as set. When in use the module redisplays your current work screen updated by the time increment or decrement as set. This module is a very effective and powerful addition to Astro_22 and should not be overlooked. ********************************************************************* * CHARACTER ANALYSIS * ********************************************************************* Gives a screen, printer or disk file listing interpreting the character traits of the 'current chart' subject. This module was the most arduous and time demanding of all and just about broke my determination to proceed. However, here it is at last after a second re-write. In attempting to make such an interpretation meaningful and easily understood, I have broken the subject into recognized planetary attributes i.e. all listings of the Sun through Sign, House and Aspect relate to modification of personality traits; Mercury, mental attributes etc. For those who wish to write their own interpretation of the aspects, all the relevant document files can be modified with any word processor in ASCII mode. One important point to be aware of is that the asterix at the beginning of the relevant sub file is used by the program as a flag or counter, enabling the correct sub file to be located. This asterix must be the first character on the header line with no white space to the left. Header lines must be left in place! However, text between headers is unrestricted. It is permissible to add to the header but only that which fits on to one line of 74 characters. Files relating to character analysis are located in sub-drawers within the main 'TEXT' folder. Printer formatting options are presented before output and should work with any printer. Manually select font style, CPI, LQ etc. before listing to the printer. A listing to disk file is another option for the character analysis enabling exact presentation with a word processor. Note: There is no need to be overly tidy having neat blocks of text when working inside the Astro files. The program lifts the whole block and formates the text to the current 'character per line' setting. To break out of a screen or printer listing use the'Esc' key. ********************************************************************* * PREDICTION MODULE * ********************************************************************* TEXT FILES FOR USE WITH TRANSITS AND PROGRESSIONS -------------------------------------------------- A note about prediction: ------------------------ If One has studied astrology in more than a superficial way then there is no doubt about the fact that the position of the planets relative to the natal chart does have an influence in the course of One's life. The "why? and how?" is not so simple and each astrologer has his own pet theory of the workings of the Cosmic Influences. However, the best way to test the validity of Predictive Astrology is to study the effects in your own life. Hence this module! There are many ways to progress a natal chart for predicting events and most work well. If you are new to Astrology the best advice is to confine your effort to Transits, which is the influence of the the planets in real time. Powers of Influence: --------------------- The aspects formed by the planets have power to influence an individual in relative strength to how they are situated in the birth chart and to the sensitivity of the person in question and His/Her psychological make up etc. With a little study you will soon come to know what planets are important to your own development. e.g. Any planet close to your Ascendant or at the Midheaven and and also the Ruler of your chart chart will be of obvious interest in prediction. To quote a wise man "To predict the future you must first study the past." And this is where the real fun begins! It is the real starting point for predicting likely future events. You could make a list of all the important changes in your past, the traumatic events, period of good fortune, ill fortune etc. then cast a chart for that day in time and compare it to your own natal chart and see what influences were operating. You may also choose a well known historical character who has had a life full of documented events, such an Adolf Hitler and progress the chart to known relevant dates. Once convinced of the validity of certain planets and aspects the next step, if you are a brave soul, is to peek into the future. Orb of influence: ----------------- In most of the Progession and Transit systems the Orb of influence is 1 degree applying to 1 degree separating. The most powerful effect is when the orb closes to 25 Minutes or less coming to exact aspect of 0 Minutes of arc. The Orb of Influence is shown on the header line when an aspect is analysed and is regarded as weak until the reading is below 30. Aspect Influence: ------------------ Conjunction: Very powerful. (Of mixed quality depending on the planets forming the aspect) Opposition : Almost as powerful as the conjunction. (Usually adverse) Trine : Powerful harmonious aspect. Square : Powerful adverse aspect. Sextile : Weak harmonious aspect. Usually ignored in Transit forecasting. Using the module: ----------------- This module consists of a series of user editable text files which are located within the "Aspects" folder. These files may be modified with any word processor in ASCII mode in a similar manner as described in the preceding module. Text may be sent to screen, printer or disk file providing that the printer has been activated through the "Set Printer Option" in the main menu. The textual aspect analysis is controlled through the 'Tabulated Aspect Module' and is the minimum requirement for using this present module. To calculate a Transit: 1. Load the chart of person for whom the reading is required. 2. Go to the Progression Flag menu and 'Make Current Chart Resident.' 3. Use 'Noon GMT' or 'New Chart' to create a chart for the date in question. 4. From the 'Aspects Menu' activate 'Text Mode On.' You are given the option to limit printout to finer orb values if you so wish. 5. Finally, again from the 'Aspects Menu' click on 'Compare Tab To 1 Deg.' A listing will then appear showing which aspects were active on that date. Note the strength of the aspect and closeness of orb before becoming too excited. A note on Transits. -------------------- Because Transits deal with real time movement within the Solar system the greatest influence will be noted from the slower moving planets Mars through to Pluto. The Sun, Mercury and Venus are within orb for only a day or two and are therefore only useful in marking a daily influences. The Moon but a few hours. Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are the planets which will bring far reaching changes of life. Neptune and Pluto also, if strong in the natal chart. Other Progressions: -------------------- If you have the Progression Module then Progressed charts, 'Day for a year' calculations etc. may analysed in a similar manner to the above but unlike Transits all planets are of equal relative importance. Notes: The reading obtained should not be viewed as exact events fated to happen. They attempt to convey the tone of the aspect and how it may manifest itself in its more positive or more negative modes of expression. We are each masters of our own ship but occasionally we must tack against the wind or haul in sail to meet changing conditions. "The planets may compel at times but they do not command!" ******************************************************************** * SEARCH ROUTINES * ******************************************************************** One strong advantage of the 'Progression module' when checking selective dates is that all aspects within one degree of orb are listed on screen. The drawback however becomes obvious when one needs to find the exact date of an event. This is not too difficult when using the toggle, but it is irksome all the same. The search routines complement the 'Progression Module' by providing a an accurate listing of the planetary aspects over any given period and the exact time of any event. The vulnerability of this method lies in the fact that it is not easy to read which planets are within orb at any given time. The slower moving planets may show a date by aspect yet still be within orb one month later. Each method has its merits, but the lesson is obvious - If you are fairly new to astrology keep the period of analysis to a manageable whole and within the bounds of sound judgment. If the Prediction module is active the choice is given for text to be included with aspect listings. Note: Before entering any of the search routines use the 'Setup' screen to select aspect types, active and aspected planets. Also ensure that the subject of the search is made 'Resident.' The search data may be directed to a printer or to a disk file. TRANSIT SEARCH --------------- This routine calculates and displays the exact moment that a transiting planet is in aspect to a natal planet, through any given time period. Follow the prompts on screen and enter a start and end date. The display for each aspect is in the following format: 07/09/1980 14:41 (Leo.02) Mars TRINE Jupiter (Can.10).SQR Element 1. Gives the date of the event. " 2. Shows the time of the event. " 3. The Astrological Sign(Leo) of the transit planit. " 4. The Natal House(02) in which Mars is presently positioned. " 5. The transit planet(Mars) " 6. Type of aspect(TRINE) " 7. The Natal planet being aspected (Jupiter) " 8. The Natal Astrological Sign(Can.) of Jupiter. " 9. The Natal House(10) of Jupiter " 10. Shows the relationship(SQR) between the two planets in the Natal Chart. SECONDARY PROGRESSED SEARCH --------------------------- Secondary progression is the most widely used system of predictive astrology but by hand they are something of a pain to calculate accurately over any time period. This routine makes life easy is this respect and it lists both 'progressed to progressed' and 'progressed to natal' aspects. The following example shows each type. 12/04/1980 (Aqu.04) (P) Moon OPPOSITION Pluto (P) (Leo.10) .TRI 20/04/1980 (Vir.11) (P) Mercury SEXTILE Venus (N) (Can.10) .CON The format is similar to the one given in the transit notes except that (P) denotes a progressed planet and (N) is a natal planet. SOLAR ARC SEARCH ----------------- Solar Arc progression is possibly the second most widely used system of predictive astrology and has the advantage that it is relatively easy to calculate aspects. The aspect below also includes a textual example. 07/10/1981 (Can.10) Uranus SQUARE Moon (Lib.01) .TRI An emotional crisis is possible at this time due to sudden, unexpected and unwanted domestic changes. Your desire for independence and emotional freedom may precipitate all kinds of difficulties and complications, especially in close relationships. You are tense, nervous, moody and have difficulty restraining your feelings. Other people see youas erratic, unreliable and eccentric. ******************************************************************** * EPHEMERIS AND ASPECTARIAN MODULE * ******************************************************************** Before entering this module use the 'Setup' screen to select aspect types,active and aspected planets. Also ensure that the LOCATION is correct in the 'Resident.' chart EPHEMERIS ---------- This module presents a tabulated listing of planetary positions calculated at NOON or MIDNIGHT for any geographical location. The number of planets calculated is determined through the 'Setup' option of active planets. The default is eleven which includes the Moon's Node. Location is taken from the resident chart. Most European Ephemeris listings use London 51.32N 000.00E for calculations. The default calculation step is one day, however the option is given to change this setting. You may wish to make a condensed Ephemeris for just the outer planets in steps of five days in which case you would enter '5' at the prompt. A short example is given below for five planets. ----------------------------------------------------------------- N00N EPHEMERIS January 1980 Lat 53.25N :: Lon 2.59W LIVERPOOl ----------------------------------------------------------------- Dy | Sidereal | Sun | Moon | Mercury | Venus | Mars 1 | 18.29.18 | 10Cap13 | 29Gem43 | 28Sag44 | 12Aqu01 | 14Vir03 | 2 | 18.33.14 | 11 . 15 | 12Can42 | 00Cap16 | 13 . 15 | 14 . 13 | 3 | 18.37.11 | 12 . 16 | 25 . 24 | 01 . 48 | 14 . 29 | 14 . 22 | 4 | 18.41.07 | 13 . 17 | 07Leo51 | 03 . 21 | 15 . 43 | 14 . 31 | 5 | 18.45.04 | 14 . 18 | 20 . 04 | 04 . 54 | 16 . 57 | 14 . 39 | 6 | 18.49.00 | 15 . 19 | 02Vir05 | 06 . 27 | 18 . 10 | 14 . 46 | 7 | 18.52.57 | 16 . 20 | 13 . 57 | 08 . 01 | 19 . 24 | 14 . 53 | 8 | 18.56.53 | 17 . 22 | 25 . 45 | 09 . 35 | 20 . 38 | 14 . 58 | 9 | 19.00.50 | 18 . 23 | 07Lib34 | 11 . 10 | 21 . 52 | 15 . 04 | 10 | 19.04.47 | 19 . 24 | 19 . 28 | 12 . 45 | 23 . 05 | 15 . 08 | ASPECTARIAN ------------ It is useful to know the exact time that specific events occur at a given location. Or to compile a list of events through a given time period. This routine calculates planetary aspects in the format shown below. --------------------------------------------------------------------- ASPECTARIAN... From 07/01/1980 To 08/01/1980 Lat 53.25N :: Lon 2.59W --------------------------------------------------------------------- 07/01/1980 04:00 Moo CON Jup-S 0.3 13:52 Moo CON Mar S 1.5 17:17 Sun TRI Moo H 08/01/1980 00:21 Moo INC Ven s 02:38 Moo SQR Nep S 03:44 Moo SSE Plu h 08:54 Mer SSQ Ura s 09:11 Moo SEX Ura H 14:33 Moo CON Sat-S 0.6 17:43 Mer TRI Jup-H 22:52 Ven SEX Nep H The codes shown at the end of each line denote: '-' Retrograde motion. 'S' Very stressful. 's' Stressful. 'H' Very harmonious. 'h' Harmonious. The number shown against Conjunctions gives the closeness of orb in degrees of DECLINATION. ******************************************************************** * SOLAR AND LUNAR RETURNS * ******************************************************************** This module creates a chart font exact moment that the Sun or Moon reaches its natal position at birth. The Solar return chart reflects the whole of the coming year and the Lunar return reflects the coming month. The routines use the information in the 'Resident Chart' for its calculations. If the 'realtime' flag is set from the 'Progression' menu the routine calculates the next return forward of the system date. Pressing the right mouse button after any return display calculates the next forward return. Any other keypress or mouse operation exits the routine. ******************************************************************** * HOUSE CUSPS AND CHART ROTATION * ******************************************************************** The three most widely used house systems are supplied, Equal House, Placidus and Koch. More will be added later if there is a demand. Chart rotation. --------------- Allows the user to move any of the planets to an Ascendant position for individual assessment. The chart is in effect rotated to this point. For example if Saturn is selected the chart is rotated to install the Saturn placement as the Ascendant. The resultant chart becomes Saturn dominant and the house cusps will Saturn's first house, Saturn's second house etc. ******************************************************************** * OBTAINING MODULES * ******************************************************************** 1st October, 1993 NB: 1Meg of memory is the minimum requirement for adding modules. The current price for additional modules are as follows: 1) Aspects Tabulated £8.00 2) Graphic Aspect Wheels £8.00 3) Progression Module £10.00 4) Planetary Data £5.00 5) Textual Character Analysis-options for printer or disk £15.00 6) Toggle Facility £5.00 7) Save files/Screendump £5.00 8) Midpoint Calculations and displays with printer listings £5.00 9) Prediction: Text files for Transits & Progressions £12.00 10)House cusps and chart rotation £5.00 11)Solar and Luner returns £8.00 12)Aspect Search Module. Transits,Progressed & Solar arc £15.00 13)Ephemeris and Aspectarian Module £8.00 14)Harmonic and Composite Charts 5.00 Full Program £69.00 Prices are subject to change. Carriage is free for UK: £2.00 for Overseas Air Mail. Overseas customers should arrange payment by International Postal Order or Bankers draft in Sterling made payable to a UK bank. Please specify Atari/Amiga/PC version when ordering modules. All of the above are available from: D.K. Wilkinson, 402 Wakefield Road, Dalton, Huddersfield, West Yorkshire, HD5 9XJ Tel. 0484-425843 Astro22 is designed as a tool for those with an interest in astrology therefore, I can accept no responsibility for the programs use or abuse. Please enjoy using Astro_22. Dave Wilkinson R